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- Well, it has happened. The Mushroom PD Library is now back online with its
- FTP site. Simply set your FTP programs to look at:
- mushy-pd.dyn.ml.org
- If my computer is online, you will be connected to a server other than
- If that is the server you come up with (it will launch your own
- servers if you do) then I am not online.
- ----------------
- When you log in, you *MUST* set your FTP to give your email as the
- password. If you dont, you simply wont get connected in. After a small
- incident with my Demon server, this option will not be removed. This
- program has been tested with AmFTP, and no problems occured at all.
- The system will allow the uploading of files. All uploads must be
- accompanied with a .Readme file, and be placed in the UPLOADS drawer
- otherwise they will be discarded.
- Logs are kept for every possible event that goes on, from when you log on,
- to when you look around the different drawers. There is no limit as to what
- you want to download, as it is all for free.
- Any requests to open a special drawer for you, or for a project (like the
- AMOS Mailing list game) or similar such project, all requests should be
- emailed to me at mushypd@redrose.net
- At the moment, only 4 people at a time can be in my system. I hopefully
- will be able to monitor all 4 at once, and if my 33.6 can handle it easily
- enough, I shall increase the number of users.
- Over the next few days, I shall be improving and adding bits to the site,
- like updating some of the old docs, so please don't go on a mass
- bug-spotting trip because some of the docs have my old email address on
- them.
- If you get a busy signal when you connect, please try again later in the
- evening, im sure someone will have left!!
- Above all, enjoy the library, after all, it is all for you!!
- Mush
- --
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